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Guest Room Management System (GRMS)

The Smart Hotel model has emerged as the gold standard for luxury hotels, revolutionizing the guest experience and optimizing hotel operations. Boasting cutting-edge amenities, this innovative approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also streamlines the management of hotel activities. At the forefront of the Smart Hotel model is the Guest Room Management System (GRMS), a pivotal component that ensures a seamless and sophisticated guest experience.


eLife is delighted to introduce our Smart Hotel Room Management System (GRMS), equipped with a range of standout features tailored to the specific needs of both end-users and operational management.

Enhancing Guest Experience:

  • Service Automation: eLife’s GRMS empowers guests to effortlessly control their room environment, from temperature to lighting and electronic devices, delivering a personalized and convenient experience.
  • Advanced Convenience: The open-platform room control system seamlessly integrates with the hotel’s app, enabling guests to easily operate controls and receive relevant room-related notifications.
  • Personalized Guest Experience: The cloud-based software system allows for the storage of guest usage habits (room temperature, brightness, etc.), automatically generating room control presets based on individual preferences.

Improving Hotel Management Efficiency:

  • Optimizing Energy Usage: Leveraging smart sensors, the system automatically identifies room states (Unrented/Rented/Occupied/Unoccupied…) and implements optimal energy consumption scenarios.
  • Data Collection: Through intelligent sensors and enhanced state recognition algorithms, the system records guest usage history, providing analyses and reports on trends and usage patterns to enhance hotel operations and services.
  • Demand Prediction: Using the collected data, artificial intelligence applications analyze and predict customer needs, enabling the hotel to adjust prices and services flexibly and efficiently.

Security and Privacy Management:

  • Security Control: The integrated security system between GRMS and other security systems such as cameras ensures the safety and protection of guests and their belongings.
  • Privacy Management: GRMS contributes to guest privacy management by offering comprehensive control over personal information and devices within the room.

Cost Savings and Operational Efficiency:

  • Energy Cost Reduction: Through optimized energy usage algorithms, the room control system can help project investors cut up to 30% of electricity consumption in hotel rooms, not only economically significant but also enhancing the hotel’s competitive edge.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Devices connected to the GRMS are continuously monitored for operational status. Based on this information, the system automatically sends maintenance and regular upkeep reminders, preventing the risk of issues.

Connect with eLife’s team of experts, and let us accompany you in implementing the Smart Hotel model today.

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